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Womb Healing and Cycle Coaching


Understand and embrace your cyclic nature – heal your womb from trauma, conditioning and old imprints – connect with your womb center to receive Divine guidance for optimum self-care, creativity, productivity and personal growth.

Womb wellness is a key element to a woman’s health. The importance of womb health expresses itself in every phase of womanhood. Whether it be during the menstrual phase, fertility phase, pregnancy phase, or post partum phase;  your womb is the main indicator of your well being. A woman’s womb is like her first consciousness. It is a symbol of her true self, her inner self, her intuition. Beauty from the inside out can shine when our wombs are respected, honored, and loved.


Symptoms arise to wake us up. They draw our attention to the part of the body where trauma may occur. We cannot escape our wombs if they are having symptoms of pain. Symptoms are messages from the body we need to listen to. The womb tells a woman everything about her personal physical and emotional state of health.


Services address the physical body, emotional body, spiritual body, nature body, and ritual ceremonies to nourish and cleanse your spirit and womb. 


This body of work is a unique blend of Energy Work, grounded psycho-therapeutic techniques, herbal remedies, and Womb Wisdom.


Specialty Areas Include:



Post Partum Trauma

Post Partum Depression




Birth Trauma

Past Sexual Abuse




Womb Counseling

Connect with your Womb and Yoni to get deeply in touch with your intuition, restore boundaries, and move stored emotions and trauma from past relationships, abuse, abortion, operations, shame and collective projections.


Cycle Coaching

Looking at how to track your cycle, energize your womb space, communicate with your womb and take aligned actions; dissolving so called blocks, mis-conceptions and ancestral conditioning . I will guide you how to connect with the different phases of your cycle; and attune your creativity and productivity, how to take good care of yourself and live your purpose!


Sacred Womb Healing

Deep Shamanic, energetic clearing and healing – supporting you to connect with the Divine within.  


Womb Nourishing

While I can help you with your emotional, relational and psycho-spiritual aspects of life, to heal fully we need to take in account of what we eat and drink, and what’s going on biologically. I can inform you of up to date nutritional information and up to date information on some root causes behind PCOS, Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, Thyroid Disease, Infertility, blocked fallopian tubes and pelvic inflammation. 


Womb Nurturing

Herbal remedies such as teas, oils, and other cleansing tools are available for purchase to help you heal on your womb journey. 











"The womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life." The 13th rite – The Rite of the Womb

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