Expressive Arts Therapy
Expressive Art Therapies are defined as the use of art, music, drama, dance/movement, poetry/creative writing, theatre, bibliotherapy, play, and sandplay within the context of psychotherapy and counseling. This applies with individuals of all ages, particular children or adolescents.
“Expressive Arts Therapy uses an approach to help stabilize the body's responses. It identifies of the body's reactions to stressful events and memories through trauma-informed evaluation and sensory-based activities using expressive arts. Some body reactions show through using somatic and sensory approaches to self-regulation. Expressive Arts can reinforces a sense of safety through reconnection with positive attachment and self-soothing, as well as build on strengths by using the arts to normalize and enhance resilience.” - Cathy Malchiodi
Other Benefits of Expressive Art Therapies:
*Helps to verbalize what can’t be verbalize in words
*To effect positive changes in the psychological, physical, cognitive, or social functioning of individuals with health or educational problems
*Symptom relief
*Emotional and physical integration
*Personal growth
*Helps the client tell his or her story to solve a problem
*Achieve catharsis
*Extend the depth and breadth of his or her inner experience
*Understand the meaning of images
*Strengthen his or her ability to observe personal roles while increasing flexibility between roles
*Process that furthers the emotional, cognitive, and physical integration of the individual.
*Effects positive changes in feelings, cognition, physical functioning, and behavior
*To help prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development
*To illustrate and integrate his or her psychological condition.
*To foster awareness
*Encourage emotional growth
*Enhance relationships with others.
*Encouraging individuals to express themselves