Cleansing with Incense and Clearing Sprays
Featuring a wide variety of organic herbal incense and custom made organic clearing sprays for your home, work, or travel.
For millennia, our ancestors have believed this sacred smoke raises vibrations and assists with magical practice. So when we smudge today, we also connect with our lineage in a powerful way. Incense was, in fact, the first form of perfume. Perfume literally means ‘through smoke.’ Our ancestors used smudging as the primary way to scent their bodies. Our Egyptian and Roman ancestors “perfumed” the air with the incense they burned.
White Sage - White sage is an herb held sacred by Native Americans for hundreds of years. Used in rituals and ceremonies for centuries, white sage is often burned to create its intended effects. ... Smudging is a cleansing ceremony used to help people, places, or even objects get rid of negative energy or even bad spirits.
Cedar - Cedar is often used in the sweat lodge ceremony. A few pinches are thrown on the red-hot rocks, immediately sparking into a yellow glow and releasing their aroma. The smoke of burning cedar is said to attract the good spirits and eliminate negative energies.
Sweetgrass - Burned to promote happiness, open heartedness and harmony, sweetgrass is a sacred plant like sage that has long been used in Native American smudging ceremonies.
Yet unlike sage, which is a shrub, sweetgrass is actually a type of grass. Traditionally, sage has been used to ward off evil spirits and cleanse a space, person or object. But sweetgrass—also called holy grass, vanilla grass, bison grass or buffalo grass—essentially does the opposite; because the grass normally bends, not breaks, when walked upon in the wild, it’s believed to symbolize kindness. One Native American healer, Whitehorse Woman, puts it this way: “Smudging is a two-step process for me. I use sage to remove unwanted energy, and sweetgrass to invite wanted energy.” In other words, sage clears negativity and sweetgrass brings positivity.
Palo Santo - Palo Santo, literally meaning “holy wood” in Spanish, is a tree that is widely distributed throughout Central and South America. Palo Santo is used in South America in much the same way as White Ceremonial Sage is used in North America- to combat negative energy and to cleanse the space. Palo Santo is often used by Amazonian shamans in sacred plant spirit ceremonies; the rising smoke of the lit sticks is believed to enter the energy field of ritual participants to clear misfortune, negative thoughts and to chase away evil spirits.
Copal - The uplifting positivity of copal smoke is believed to open the crown chakra. It works to rid the mind of anxiety and negative thoughts. Copal resin breakthroughs the blocks that are causing the circulation of your energy to stagnate. Copal benefits can be a useful ally in combating the everyday blues, as it helps to brighten your aura and leave you feeling emotionally lighter. Copal incense was also a popular spiritual cleanser among the ancient Maya and Aztecs.
Frankincense -
For centuries, Frankincense has been revered for its ability to both cleanse and elevate the energy around it. Use frankincense as an offering, or can simply employ its sacred smoke as a purifier for your spirit and space.To implement it as an offering, use frankincense benefits on your sacred altar. Amplify the energy of your intention by burning frankincense resin as an offering to whatever guardian angels or divine beings you’d like to invite into your space. It ensures that protective and loving guides surround you. The frankincense benefits provide a stable and loving environment.
Dragon's Blood - Dragon’s blood is the common name for resin from the Dracaena tree, the sap of which is bright red and looks convincingly like blood. Dragon’s Blood is widely known as a powerhouse against negativity, and for its ability to amplify the potency of your magical workings. It is excellent for clearing energies!
Sandlewood -
Burning sandalwood incense can benefit healing work by promoting a deeper relaxed state in the healer, increasing spiritual energy. Sandalwood also relaxes the heart and throat chakras. Burned to exorcise demons and evil ghosts, conjure beneficial spirits, and promote spiritual awareness.
Clearing Sprays
Cleansing Smudge Spray - is infused with purified water, witch hazel, Sage and Cedarwood Essential Oils.
Protective Smudge Spray - is infused with purified water, witch hazel, Palo Santo, White Angelica, and Frankincense Essential Oils.
Healing Smudge Spray - is infused with purified water, witch hazel, Frankincense and Sandlewood Essential Oils.